
Sales Training for Experts

Your first job is bringing your expertise to bear as an advisor or practitioner.
It's what you love to do.

Your second job is selling that expertise.
You don't love it, but it's what you have to do.

We get you to fall in love with your second job.
(That's what we love to do.)

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We derail the RFP process with a one-page proposal and get paid for our thinking. For the first time in 21 years, I feel in control of this process.

Aaron Bramwell,
Founder at monkee-boy

Win Without Pitching® has helped

thousands of experts

from firms of all sizes...


the RFP process

Every proposal was 20-30 pages and for some, we gave away our work — producing wireframes in our more embarrassing engagements. It was a grind.
Today, we derail the RFP process with a one-page proposal and get paid for our thinking (we just finished a $55,000 diagnostic). For the first time in 21 years, I feel in control of this process.

Aaron Bramwell,
Founder at Monkee-boy


with confidence

Before Win Without Pitching®, I would get on the phone, ask a bunch of smart questions, send a proposal and cross my fingers.
Now, I have a lot more confidence. I have clear objectives for each conversation. I own and lead the sales process, not my clients. This shift in power has resulted in much better margins and 30% growth.

Lindsay Mullen
Co-Founder at prosper strategies

Position as

valuable experts

We were struggling to be everything to everyone.
But the decision to plant our flag clarified every agency focus. Now if you Google "retail marketing agency" you'll see Theory House at the top. And we're happy to welcome Pepsi, Google and Starbucks as new clients — thanks to the many principles Win Without Pitching reminded us of.

jim cusson
president at theory house

Price on value

not hours

Business was a roller coaster... feast or famine. So we hired an expensive rainmaker who brought in only half the amount we were paying them.
With WWP's help on value-based pricing and sales process, we're getting $60,000 for work we used to charge $20,000 for. We're closing 6-figure-projects — no RFPs, free work or competition.

Dr. Robin Petterd
Founder at Sprout Labs

Inspiring expert practices everywhere
to rethink how they sell

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at an upcoming workshop.

Fast-track your path to pitch-free winning

Explore Win Without Pitching Team Training Options

Bring the Win Without Pitching training program to your larger team through the right delivery model for your organization and budget. 

Workshops, virtual instructor-led training, train-the-trainer programs and limitless customizations and support allow us to shape the learning experience to the unique needs of your organization. 

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After just one day of training we were able to attribute almost $1,000,000 in new revenue to one technique alone. This practice has us constantly looking for ways to add more value – clients see that and appreciate it.

Julie Cohen
Founder & CEO at Across the Pond, London

Author of books described as

"cult classics" and "bibles"

for the creative agency



Few books I've read can match the positive signal-to-noise ratio of Blair Enns' The Win Without Pitching Manifesto. Bravo!

David Allen
International best-selling author of Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

This is another nail in the coffin of hourly billing ­— an idea from the day before yesterday that needs to die — from one of the industry's major thinkers.

Ronald J Baker
Radio Host at The Soul of Enterprise
Author of Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value

Thought leadership received by

thousands of forward-thinking firms.

2Bobs Podcast with DAvid c. baker & Blair enns

Conversations on the art of creative entrepreneurship. 

Listen to Blair and David discuss the Second Proclamation of the Win Without Pitching Manifesto, “We Will Replace Presentations with Conversations”.

listen on:

20%: The Marketing Procurement Podcast with Blair Enns & Leah Powers

Blair and Leah try to answer the question, how do you procure creativity without killing it?

Listen to Blair and Leah’s discussion with Leo Raymond , CEO of Grey Consulting, on the impact and pricing power that separates Agency Grey and Grey Consulting.

listen on:

Learn how to Win Without Pitching

without pitching

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Blair Enns,

Blair Enns is the author of The Win Without Pitching Manifesto and Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour. He lectures throughout the world on how creative professionals can win more business at higher prices and lower cost of sale. Blair also co-hosts, along with David C. Baker, the popular podcast 2Bobs: Conversations on the Art of Creative Entrepreneurship.

Inquire here to have Blair speak at your event or on your podcast.