Win Without Pitching
For individuals and groups of five or fewer, our training is delivered via live, virtual workshops.
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Win Without Pitching
Team Training
For groups larger than five, we offer team training, asynchronous workshops, or instructor training.
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The Sale is The Sample
Any sale of expertise is the sample of the engagement to follow. It’s where you claim the high ground of the expert or are relegated to a lowly vendor. How you sell, therefore, affects what you are able to sell, how much value you create and the fees you earn.
We teach you to sell and price like the expert you are.
The Four Conversations: A New Model for Selling Expertise
The here’s-how-to follow-up to The Win Without Pitching Manifesto, Blair Enns’ new book The Four Conversations gives you the entire Win Without Pitching playbook for selling your expertise.
This framework of conversations will help you love selling in a way that carefully preserves the reputation you’ve worked so hard to build.
David C. Baker, “The Expert’s Expert,” (NY Times)
With Without Pitching Has Helped Thousands of Experts From Firms of All Sizes
After guiding a value and closing conversation, our client reiterated time and again that Struck’s process really made them feel heard, cared about, and that they were working with true professionals who really wanted to make an impact on their business.
We walked away from this process feeling uber confident about our ability to guide value conversations and value price.
Andrew Howlett, CEO
A recent proposal for a rapidly growing global manufacturing outsourcing company included a creative pricing alternative: a substantial engagement capped at $700k to keep them below our single-account maximum of 25% revenue, a minor project at $50k, or an acquisition of our firm for $20M.
Their response was overwhelmingly positive!
Founder, Marketing firm Focused On Manufacturing
This workshop was really, really good. It’s surprising to me after reading both books and listening to the podcasts that it only clicked in the last four days, this workshop really helped me connect the dots. Thanks for that. I should be leading more in the sales process, listening more and embracing silence. One of my action steps is reworking my proposals as a result.
Peter Fodor, Founder and CEO
About 30 minutes after the workshop, I had a first meeting with a referral. Granted the referral was fairly warm, I slightly altered how I explain my fees by using WWP’s pricing tiers. I quoted four tiers anchoring with a fee 10x what I have been charging. I probably undershot the 2nd tier, but the client elected it and that fee is the highest that I have charged yet for planning.
Financial Planner,
Mindset and Behavior
Assume An Advantaged Player
An excerpt from my brand new book…
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Agency Business
Turning Your Delivery Team Into a Sales Team
Almost every leader of a business of expertise has a moment when they realize their delivery team could be a source of instant scale to their sales efforts.
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Navigating the Sale
Can We Dial This Down, Please?
Everyone is talking too much.
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Mindset and Behavior
“Working/Non-Working” Doesn’t Work
If creative and production really are non-working then why be so irresponsible as to spend 20% of your budget on them? Shouldn’t you be focused on getting that to zero?
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