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The Win Without Pitching Workshop

Join us in this live virtual workshop where expert advisors and practitioners of all kinds learn to finally take control of their sales process and actually enjoy it. 

You’ll emerge knowing how to navigate The Four Conversations™ of the sale required to win more business at higher prices and a lower cost of sale — without ever making a pitch.

Second cohort announced for January 2022: 50% sold out

Did you miss registering for this workshop? Jump on our waitlist so you'll be the first to know when our next workshop is announced: 👇

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We asked workshop attendees

Why this workshop and
why now

this is what they said:
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I've read the book, now I want to learn straight from the source and practice the principles!
John Rex
Rex Executive Leadership
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I've long valued the WWP perspective on agency new business and would love to put the theory to practice.
Jesse Strawbridge
Mad Pow
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I want to gain more confidence around the value conversation. We struggle with being stuck with lower-level marketing/sales folks and not having access to decision-makers.
Guy Bauer
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It's like kick-in-the-ass inspiration. I want to get way more proactive with sales than we've been.
John Besmer
Planet Propaganda
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I don't like sales, I am not good at it, and I am very uncomfortable asking for what we are worth. I also know I will not break through to the next level without removing this roadblock.
Jen Estill
Redhead Design Studio
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Long-term clients are fading away and the agency is evolving. We need to replace with the right types of work.
Jane Pfeiffer
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Our firm has always priced projects on a time and materials basis. I'm interested in learning about alternative pricing models and how to persuade prospects to agree to them.
Sean Oakes
Backpack Interactive
Ideas and tactics you can implement quickly and easily

Join the Win Without Pitching® team

at a workshop if...

Over the years, I've had so many people listen to me or read my books and think, 'Yeah, nice theory, Blair, but it's not really applicable in my part of the world or to my type of business.'

So I challenge you to join our team at a workshop and meet some of these people who are living these principles every day. You'll see that it can be done in your firm.

Blair Enns


Join Our Next Workshop

The 4 Conversations in the Arc of the Sale, value-based pricing, derailing the RFP process — we will cover it all.

Day 1: The Probative Conversation

Day 2: The Qualifying Conversation

Day 3: The Value Conversation

Day 4: The Closing Conversation

You'll leave with

actionable advice and a newfound sense of confidence

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Small agencies have to invest in R&D with high confidence of the ROI. Every WWP workshop I have attended has made me richer and my business better.
Jeff Hahn
Apron Food & Beverage Communications
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I read Pricing Creativity and cherry-picked the easiest items to use, but this workshop really gave me the roadmap for how to implement the whole system.
Guy Bauer
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Much of the content resonated and we'll work to implement almost all of it. Asking for concessions and not offering solutions too early are elements we can implement immediately without any practice.
Jen Estill
Redhead Design Studio
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I loved the idea that sales can be a personal and empathetic discussion between someone who has a need and someone who's willing to help.
Manny Fernández
Luckeyou, Inc.

And when

we followed up with workshop attendees for an update

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'The world doesn't need another generalist’ — Blair’s words inspired me to completely change my career and launch Thirst, a specialist drinks branding agency. Since then, we’ve doubled our team and our annual turnover. We are now applying the WWP philosophy to our new sister agency, Hunger catering to the food industry.”
Matt Burns
Thirst Craft
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I practiced the tips you gave on mastering the value conversation with a client on Wednesday... and BOOM it worked and we now have a lot more quality consulting work planned with them for the next few months!
Anita Wasserman
Precision Management Accounting
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I just landed our biggest project in the 17 years we've been in business. I followed the 4 conversations with a client and yesterday we had our transition meeting. It was amazingly easy to win their business at a level waaaay beyond anything I would have imagined before doing your workshop.
Mark Vaesen
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If you want to make more money and learn how to deliver huge value to your clients you should buy Blair’s book Pricing Creativity and attend this workshop immediately!
Principal, Juggernaut

Workshop Reviews

likelihood to implement
quality of content

Now access all of this — from anywhere.

The popular Win Without Pitching workshop is hosted live and online. 

Small group sizes of just 18 participants, ensures greater engagement with your coaches and peers. Delivered in 3-hour sessions over 4 days.

You’ll learn in virtual Zoom sessions with the Win Without Pitching team and in breakouts where you’ll practice your new skills with peers.

Save on airfare and hotels and learn the pitch-free strategies — without all the hassle of travel.

Each workshop is delivered by

a rotating team of coaches with proven expertise and results in the Win Without Pitching approach.

Get lifetime access to a

private Slack channel with the purchase of a ticket

The workshop is where your journey begins.

You will get an invite to a private Slack channel accessible to past workshop attendees and the Win Without Pitching team only. Here, you can ask questions, share your struggles and successes, and get help when you need it.

Access an active and growing community of agency leaders learning to win without pitching.

Our winter workshops are now sold out.

Avoid missing out on the next one.
Jump on our Workshop Waitlist to be notified first:

Register Now



september 16 - 19, 2024 8-11am pt / 11am-2pm et

monday, sept 9, 2024
8-9am PT / 11AM-12PM ET

Group coaching sessions run April 2, 16, 30 and May 14 at 8am PT and last one hour

🔥 Only seat left!

Register now



May 8-11, 2023 8AM-11AM PT / 11AM-2PM ET

MONDAY May 01, 2023
8-9am PT / 11AM-12PM ET

🔥 Only seat left!

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Fantastic workshop and team. I've already implemented getting to clients' desired future state and the learnings. I've also connected with Shannyn for coaching. Thanks!

David Oliphant

The next Positioning Bootcamp is coming...

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