The Four Conversations: A New Model for Selling Expertise
The here’s-how-to follow-up to The Win Without Pitching Manifesto, Blair Enns’ new book The Four Conversations gives you the entire Win Without Pitching playbook for selling your expertise.

This framework of conversations will help you love selling in a way that carefully preserves the reputation you’ve worked so hard to build.
David C. Baker, “The Expert’s Expert,” (NY Times)Blair’s career began the same way yours did
He was an expert practitioner who found himself selling his expertise. For over a decade, Blair has been helping creatives, engineers, accountants, architects, financial advisors and management consultants win more business at higher prices and lower cost of sale through Win Without Pitching’s program.
Since 2002, Blair and his team have helped thousands of experts from the fields of marketing, management consulting, financial advisory, engineering, design and healthcare embrace their second job of selling and rise to new levels of mastery. Along the way, many have learned the hidden secret of Win Without Pitching: getting better at selling and pricing what you do makes you better at what you do.
Blair’s keynotes go beyond inspiration and information. They challenge the audience’s ideas about one of the most fundamental functions of business. They start a conversation that lasts a career.