Private Training

Private training for creative firms

Leading firms such as Wieden+Kennedy learn directly from Blair Enns and his trusted team via tailored remote private training.

This is the fastest and most potent way to inject the Win Without Pitching methodology into your firm’s culture. 

Private training
is for you


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The WWP approach truly does work – my firm is a living example. It has taken a number of years but I have tripled the size of my firm... now 70 people turning over in excess of $15M a year with a healthy profit margin. I have more confidence because we no longer allow prospective clients to call the shots and waste our time on free pitching and RFPs.

Andrew Hoyne
Founder | Principal, Hoyne

Join Blair for

One or two full days of tailored workshops and sales training

Blair takes the time to personally understand your firm’s unique set of challenges and goals. Then, he devises a plan to be delivered over the course of a custom one- or two-day workshop.

Topics and activities may include:


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We had Blair into our office for a day of training on pricing. We can attribute almost $1,000,000 in 2018 to the 3-tier pricing method that he shared with us alone. This practice has us constantly looking for ways to add more value - clients see that and appreciate it.

Julie Cohen
Founder & CEO at Across the Pond

Have a dedicated

Win Without Pitching coach train your team remotely

Learn the core Win Without Pitching teachings, have them tailored to your firm, and then implement them with the help of a dedicated coach.

Topics and activities may include:


Remote Training Works

Creative firms like yours have this to say about private training

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One year after graduating from the Win Without Pitching program, revenue is up 40% and profit is up over 400% (truly). In 15 years of business, listening to Blair is the single best investment we have ever made.
Mark Williams
CEO at Mortar
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There was a point where the battles quit being so hard and the wins started coming faster, bigger and easier. What changed? We found Win Without Pitching.
Ryan Gill
Past President at Cult Collective
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Win Without Pitching has made us millions while freeing us to focus all of our powers on helping our clients achieve remarkable successes.
Mark Dimassimo
CEO at Dimassimo Goldstein
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I loved the idea that sales can be a personal and empathetic discussion between someone who has a need and someone who's willing to help.
Manny Fernández
Luckeyou, inc.


all coaching packages also include these bonuses


100 + Hours of Webcast Archives

These webinars walk you through Win Without Pitching insights, address common questions, and guide you through common challenges.


24/7 Access To Private Online Group

This private group contains active discussions involving creative firms at various points in their journey and Win Without Pitching coaches. Plus, you get access to an extensive and rich archive of mistakes made, lessons learned, and AHA moments.

It’s the perfect supplement to your coach.


A Library of Weekly Focus Calls

Each Weekly Focus Call is focused on a specific Win Without Pitching principle. Teachings were delivered by our coaching staff.

All coaching packages include instant access to more than 160 calls for your entire team.


Private training is for growing firms that

prioritize speed and returns over spend

This is the shortest and surest path to implementing Win Without Pitching’s philosophies and strategies in a way that makes sense for your unique firm.

Inspiring creative professionals to radically rethink how they build their businesses

Apply for Training

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