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Win Without Pitching®: Thinking

Here are our suggestions:

Scale Your Sales Team
Agency Business

Turning Your Delivery Team Into a Sales Team

Almost every leader of a business of expertise has a moment when they realize their delivery team—account managers, project managers, developers, engineers, consultants or advisors—could be a source of instant scale to their sales efforts.  Inspiration tends to hit in moments of sales stagnation or decline. If you’re considering enlisting your delivery team in your

Navigating the Sale

Can We Dial This Down, Please?

I’ve always known about this pervasive problem but the true size and severity of it never fully dawned on me until recently. Almost everyone commits this error in sales conversations and it’s awful to behold. I probably do it too but I don’t notice it. 

Everyone is talking too much.

Navigating the Sale

Flip (the bird to) the Script

At Win Without Pitching we use a model that views the sale as a series of four conversations, each with its own objective and its own framework for navigating to that objective.

Mindset and Behavior

Attending The Way

“A man, sitting in his house, attending the way, will be heard a hundred miles distant. Work done truly and conscientiously, in isolation, calls unknown friends.”

Mindset and Behavior

The Time Value of Knowledge

Just as the interest on money compounds over time, the interest on knowledge compounds similarly, under the right conditions.

Mindset and Behavior

“Working/Non-Working” Doesn’t  Work

If creative and production really are non-working then why be so irresponsible as to spend 20% of your budget on them? Shouldn’t you be focused on getting that to zero?

Agency Business

Are These The Last Days of The Pitch?

Something is in the air in Agencyland. After a long, cold and seemingly endless winter, something is finally in the air. Free pitching, the addictive and destructive opioid of both client and agency is disappearing like the White Witch’s endless winter. It may not yet be summer, but spring is most definitely here.

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