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Win Without Pitching®: Thinking

Agency Business

Have We Hit Peak Strategy?

If you “do strategy” or price strategy as a line item it’s time to stop and look at your own business strategy instead. How will you become, and remain, unique, especially in the era of offshore labor and AI? What urgent and expensive problem will you help your clients solve?

Scale Your Sales Team

Turning Your Delivery Team Into a Sales Team

Almost every leader of a business of expertise has a moment when they realize their delivery team—account managers, project managers, developers, engineers, consultants or advisors—could be a source of instant scale to their sales efforts.  Inspiration tends to hit in moments of sales stagnation or decline. If you’re considering enlisting your delivery team in your

Are These The Last Days of The Pitch?

Something is in the air in Agencyland. After a long, cold and seemingly endless winter, something is finally in the air. Free pitching, the addictive and destructive opioid of both client and agency is disappearing like the White Witch’s endless winter. It may not yet be summer, but spring is most definitely here.

Do You Even Need a New Business Person?

I’m a fan of constraint-driven exercises, so let me pose one for your consideration. Imagine that you could never employ a full-time dedicated new business person (let alone a team) What changes would you need to make in your business as a result?

Is The Agency Model Suffocating Your Business?

I’ve become aware recently that when I’m speaking to creative and marketing firm owners or other advisors in this space, we can sound like we are describing two entirely different industries. The agency owner is biased in thinking that the industry is made up of firms like theirs, and advisors like me are influenced by the types of agencies that we’ve most recently worked with.

What’s In Your RAB Fund?

Everyone likes games. I have a fun one for you. There’s a simple financial metric that you might want to use throughout the year. Once you start measuring it, you will become addicted to improving it.

Is Your Firm Addicted to New Business?

Some firms are black holes where accounts go in and seemingly never come out. Other firms are new business development machines, consistently generating 40%-50% (sometimes more) of their revenue from new clients every year.

6 Barriers to New Business Success

Over 20 years, I’ve heard a lot of success stories from people who have implemented our advice. This post is for everyone else—those who haven’t been able to make Win Without Pitching work for them.

Reboot Your Culture Through New Business

You reinvent your firm one new client at a time. You are only 3-4 years and 10-15 clients from being whatever you want your firm to be—if you treat every new client as a step in your reinvention.

The Innoficiency Problem

The Innoficiency Principle states that innovation and efficiency are mutually opposable goals. In any reasonably functioning organization, one cannot be increased without decreasing the other.

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