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Win Without Pitching®: Thinking

Lead Generation

Social Media Sins

I’m relatively new to social media and a light user. But I can’t get over the ‘rules’ of how we’re supposed to use these tools. Turns out, I’m breaking most of them. I know I’m not doing it right, and I don’t care. Hear my confession of my 10 social media sins.

The Polite Battle for Control

In simple terms, agency business development can be described as the polite battle for control. In this brief 20-point thesis on modern day business development philosophy for marketing communication agencies, I’ll make the argument for control as the goal.

The Armor-Piercing Introduction

Even the most specialized firms are capable of delivering a range of services that are broader than their declared specialization. It’s tempting, therefore, when making a telephone introduction, to pursue all the work that your firm is capable of instead of focusing on the work that it is best at. The mathematics say that if

7 Tips for Selling into a Recession

I’ll leave the bottom line guidance to the finance, human resource and other experts and stick to my knitting: business development. How do you protect the top line at a time like this? Here are seven suggestions.

Google’s Impact on Business Development

In his 2006 book The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, Wired magazine editor Chris Anderson explores how technology has enabled many businesses to exploit tiny, previously unviable niche markets rather than chase the lowest common denominator mass markets. One set of such enabling technologies is what he calls

Testimonials, References and Referrals

Rare is the new client that is secured without the help of outside assistance. The common vehicles for this assistance are testimonials, references and referrals. In this issue of the Win Without Pitching Newsletter we examine how each of these vehicles of assistance is different from the others, and how each should be applied in

Can Sales Be Outsourced?

“I know we need to get out there and sell our firm’s services, but I don’t want to be the one to do it, and I can’t justify a full-time position. Can’t I outsource it?” If you’ve ever posed this question, this issue of the Win Without Pitching Newsletter is for you.

Proposal or Contract

Blair Enns founder of Win Without Pitching latest article on Proposal or Contract. The proposal is the words that come out of your mouth. The document is the contract.

The Ladder of Lead Generation

In this issue of the Win Without Pitching Newsletter we discuss the costs and benefits of using various public relations, advertising, and selling activities in driving business development for your agency, and we examine what the use of each says about your firm.

Telephone Truths

When speaking to a successful agency business development VP the other day I asked him, ‘Why are cold calls so easy for you?’ Without missing a beat he responded, ‘Because I enjoy helping people.’ He explained that when calling into organizations in industries where his firm had experience he felt confident of his ability to

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