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Win Without Pitching®: Thinking

Navigating the Sale

Replacing Presentations With Conversations

David re-reads the 2nd chapter of Blair’s first book, leading to a discussion about how sales people have to choose between either presenting to clients or being present to them.

Coaches Corner: The Solution For Being Too Expensive

It’s early January. My phone rings. It’s Sue, a former client I spoke with two weeks earlier. She had called to share she was leading a new firm and they were growing like mad. She needed our help again. I had always liked Sue. We did really good work for her and she’s a straight

Coaches Corner: Now This Is Fun

But while I may be an expert, I’m far from a perfect salesperson. I let him distract me from the big picture with his incessant questioning. I miss one particularly potent chance to drive home our differentiation. I don’t handle the value conversation all that well, but instead, I jump right to the topic of prices. Oops.

Everybody On the Same (New Business) Page

“We never pitch.” It was a lie. We pitched all the time but I was getting tired of it. I’d seen this film before and I knew how it ended. I wanted to try to change the ending, even if I didn’t know what should come after my small act of defiance.

When Clients Ask for Financials

If you’ve ever found yourself in a client-driven selection process where you’re being asked to disclose financial details, this article is for you.

The End of the RFP?

Our mission at Win Without Pitching is to change the way creative services are bought and sold, our focus is really on the selling side of the buy-sell relationship.

Coaches Corner: How Would You Derail This RFP?

The WWP coaching team received this email this week from a webcast viewer about an opportunity they’re trying to close. We thought we could have some fun by answering publicly to see if you would respond the same way or differently.

How to Respond to “Show Us Your Work”

“Show us your work,” is an invitation from a prospect to step closer, to open or deepen a dialogue. This request can take many forms: “show me what you can do,” “tell me about your services,” or even “I’ve got an RFP, and we’d like to know if you’re interested (in giving away your high value thinking for free).”

The PowerPoint Problem

There are many patterns one sees after working with hundreds of creative and marketing firms on their approach to business development, and one of them is an over reliance on presentation software like PowerPoint. When I spot a strategy document written for a client or the firm itself that was composed in PowerPoint I know we have a problem and I can immediately identify the co-presenting symptoms.


The Only New Business Indicator That Matters

If you want to predict your likelihood of winning new business (and therefore whether or not it makes sense to pour resources into the opportunity) just ask yourself this one question.

We help agencies close more business the Win Without Pitching Way

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